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Yakal and Narra from the Philippines!

A note to anyone: according to Wikipedia, these trees do exist, but Yakal is critically endangered and has literally next to nothing for info on it (Wikipedia says that it is a plant in the Dipterocarpaceae family, and that it is endemic to the Philippines, AND THAT IS IT)! And Narra is a vulnerably endangered species, Wikipedia has information on it, but they don't say anything about its lumber. Ipe is very rot resistant and is a member of the Ironwood family. I believe that it has a Class A fire rating similar to steel and concrete. It will last outside unfinished and untreated for 30 to 35 years.

I recommend Wallaba for fire resistance, especially in roofing applications. Red Diamond Wallaba Shingles have a Class A Fire Rating and have a 50+ year life expectancy without any chemical treatments.

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Q: What is the most natrally rot resistant wood in the world?
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