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Ursa Major, the great bear, was supposed to be a nymph called Callisto. She was vowed to the service of the goddess Artemis, and was supposed to remain a virgin. However she was seduced/tricked (depending on the version of the myth) by Zeus and bore a son, Arcas. Hera, out of jealousy transformed her into a bear. Years later, Arcas, unknowing, was about to shoot her when Zeus saved her by turning Arcas into a bear too. He placed them both in the sky, with Arcas becoming the Little Bear, Ursa Minor.

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Q: What is the mythology of Ursa Major the group of stars commonly known as the Big Dipper?
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What is the big dipper part of?

The Big Dipper is the brightest group of stars in the large constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear).

What is alpha Ursa major?

It is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major, the "big bear" which contains the group of stars we know as the Big Dipper. It is called Dubhe and is known as the star in the big dipper that would be considered the lip of the dipper.

What is the Big Dipper example of?

While generally thought of as one, the Big Dipper is NOT a constellation. It is an asterism - a group of stars that are part of a constellation. The Big Dipper is part of the constellation Ursa Major (the great bear).

What is the Big Dipper an example of?

While generally thought of as one, the Big Dipper is NOT a constellation. It is an asterism - a group of stars that are part of a constellation. The Big Dipper is part of the constellation Ursa Major (the great bear).

What do you call the group of seven stars of the constellation ursa major?

The Plough (sometimes known as the Big Dipper)

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In Greek mythology, Atlas' wife is named Pleione. She is also commonly associated with the Pleiades, a group of seven star nymphs who are often mentioned in mythology.

What group of stars is the north star in?

little dipper

What is the common name for this group of 7 stars?

The Big Dipper

What is the most familiar group of stars in the southern sky?

The Big Dipper.

What contillation is the north star in?

THE URSA MAJOR The key to locating the North Star in the night sky is to first find the Big Dipper, a constellation of stars known as Ursa Major (the dippers are not a true constellations. They are groups of stars known as asterisms located within a constellation). The Big Dipper is perhaps the best known group of stars in the northern sky and is easy to distinguish from all others. Also known as the Great Bear, the Big Dipper is located just north of the celestial pole. Knowing how to find the Big Dipper makes it easy to find the north star.

What is a group of stars and planets traveling together?

A group of stars (and, by implication, any planets they may have) "travelling together" is called a moving group or association. One locally prominent moving group is the Ursa Major moving group, which includes most of the stars in the Big Dipper (as well as several other stars in Ursa Major and other constellations). The two "ends" of the dipper are not part of the group, but all the ones in the middle are moving in the same direction (towards Sagittarius) and at roughly the same speed. This makes the Big Dipper one of the few asterisms where most of the stars actually are "related" to each other in some way.

Is the big dipper a constillation?

yes it is most people think that the big dipper is not but it is in side of the USSR major! My teacher anonymous Say's it's not. but it is! if you look for what constellation means it Say's "in common usage, group of star's that appear to form a configuration in the sky." that means there is a picture in the sky and the big dipper point's north so in civil war Harriet Tubman used the big dipper CONSTELLATION to help here lead other slaves to freedom!