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King Henry v11 defeated King Richard 111 at Bosworth Battlefield

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Battle of Bosworth Field.

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Q: What is the name of the battle Henry the seventh won in 1485 to become the king of England?
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How do you use dnasty in a sentence?

A dynasty is a succession of rulers from the same family or line. eg The Tudor dynasty in England began with Henry Tudor, who became Henry the Seventh after the Battle of Bosworth.

How did the battle of the flowers start?

the wars of the roses started between Henry the seventh and this other king because they were fighting over who would be the next king of England :)

When did Henry the seventh became king?

Henry VII was king of England from 1485 until 1509.

How did Henry VII become king in the battle of bosworth in the war of the roses?

Henry Tudor killed Richard III at the battle of Bosworth field. So Henry Tudor became King Henry VII the first Tudor king of England. P.S. Only Henry VII was called Henry Tudor

Where did Henry vii have the battle?

Henry Tudor defeated Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field to become King Henry VII.

When Henry viii did he start ruling England?

after the Battle of Hastings in 1066

When did Henry Tudor become Henry VII?

When he defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth.

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Henry the Seventh reigned for 23 years.

How did the battle of Hastings contribute to the rise of feudilism in England?

Because of king Henry's speech

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Who was the next king after King Richard II?

Henry VII was king after Richard III after defeating him in the Battle of Bosworth Field.

When did king Henry VILL become head of the church in England?

he became head of the church in England in 1534