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Q: What is the name of the bond between DNA molecules in a double helix?
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What kind of bond holds the two strands of the double helix together?

Hydrogen bonds that form between the nitrogenous bases hold the double helix together.

What is the process that forms double sugars?

Its when two monosaccharide molecules can chemically join to form a double helix therefore forming a molecular bond which is consider a isomerism.

What kind of chemical bond is found between paired base of DNA double helix?

hydrogen bonds

What is the name given to the bond between the bases which holds the DNA double helix together?

the bases are paired by hydrogen bounds

How does a single DNA molecule produce two identical molecules?

Two single chains bond together. The bonded chains twist together to form a double helix.

Why DNA clumps together?

it is becuase of the hydronge bond

The arrangement of two bases in the DNA molecule forms a?

All i know is that it forms a double helix

What name is given to the bond between water molecules?

The bond between water molecules is called the hydrogen bond.

Bond stabilizes protein folded 3D structure and DNA double helix 3D structure?

non polar bond

What bond holds the bases together in a DNA molecule?

Base pairs in DNA are attached to each other via hydrogen bonds. The base pairs are attached to the backbone by covalent bonds.

Is hydrogen the strongest bond that forms between molecules?

No Hydrogen is the weakest bond that can possible form between two molecules.

Is a hydrogen bond the strongest that formed between molecules?

Actually it is a weak bond like the attraction between water molecules.