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Q: What is the name of the gene that lets you sleep less hours and be refreshed?
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Is it bad for you to not get the right amount fo sleep?

Refrain from napping after school. Keep yourself active until you are dead tired. Give yourself 8 hours of sleep every night. Depending on certain people, sometimes getting more, or getting less can cause you to be tired. After 8 hours of sleep, you should feel refreshed. And remember, taking a nap DOES NOT make up for the sleep you already lost. You're just setting off your sleep cycle.

What are the recommended hours of sleep for children?

about 10 hours min. If they sleep for less, of course they'll be extremely tired.

How many hours should the person sleep?

Around 8 hours or more but you can sleep less if you wan to or need to so about 8 hours.

How long is a typical adult sleep schedule?

7-8 hours is recommended. Regular good-quality sleep results in a restorative process in the body that helps renew and protect vital functions within the body. Another benefit is the enhancement sleep appears to have on the brain by increasing memory and reasoning capabilities.

How many hours of sleep do astronauts get a night?

Less than 8 hours.

How long does a person sleep?

Sleep TimeRecommended sleep time is eight hours a night, but some sleep more and some less.

Why do i get headache when i sleep a few hours less?

because you are a loser

Do astronauts require less or more sleep than normal when they are in space?

They sleep up to .5 to 2.5 hours less then they do on Earth then in space

Do you notice a change in behavior when you or your children get less than 8 hours of sleep?

Yes, you will most likely notice a change in behavior when you or your children get less than eight hours of sleep a night.

How many hours of sleep do astronauts get each night?

They get less than 8hrs. only about 6hrs. of sleep

What will make you look less tired?

Sleep. At least seven hours of it nightly.

How many hours of sleep should a 59 year old female require?

As a person gets older they require less hours of sleep and can actually function better on a lower number of hours. Typically when you get older you have a harder time sleeping and only get about 4-6 hours of sleep a night.