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You probably mean honeyeaters but they feed on nectar rather than honey. (kookaburras are kingfishers - they are predators)

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Q: What is the name of the song bird in Australia which feeds on honey?
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For the Telegraph Crosword !!........OYSTERCATCHER

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Yes and no. Australians do not know the honey possum by the name of "tait".In its native habitat of Australia, the honey possum is called the "noolbenger".

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Arthropods, bird eggs, and small birds and lizards in the case of the genus Henicopernis and bee, hornet, and wasp larvae as well as small mammals in regard to the genus Pernis are what honey buzzards eat. The common name is misleading because predation focuses upon honey-makers, not honey.

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The kookaburra is sometimes known by this name - but not in Australia.

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Godwits are large UK wading birds. In the winter, you are likely to see the Bar-Tailed Godwit. The summer bird is the Black Tailed Godwit.

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Larvae and wax are what draw the honeyguide bird to a bee hive whereas honey is what attracts the honey badger.Specifically, the bird in question (Indicatoridaefamily) carries the common name "honeyguide" because of a reputation for leading humankind to bee colonies in order to feed on larvae and wax after people take the honey. The mustelid mammal in question (Mellivora capensis) is human-like in a passion for honey and omnivorous in opportunistic feeding even though scientists classify the weasel-like badger as carnivorous.

What native bird is on the 10 note of NZ?

The Whio - the name is printed on the note alongside the bird. It is otherwise known as the Blue Mountain Duck, and lives in mountain streams. It is very nimble and feeds on algae on the rocks. The name whio resembles the high pitched whistling sound the bird makes.