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Q: What is the narrowing of the airway in the lungs causing wheezing brethlesness?
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Why is wheezing usauly worse when asthmatics exhale?

exhaling causes negative pressure in the airways of the lung structure. the weakened muscular wall of the airway responds to this negative pressure by collapsing inward narrowing the airway. result is air flowing through a smaller orifice creating a wheezing sound.

What is tracheostenosis?

Tracheostenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing or constriction of the trachea, which is the windpipe that allows air to pass to and from the lungs. This narrowing can result in breathing difficulties, coughing, and wheezing. Treatment may involve procedures to widen the airway or surgery to correct the narrowing.

What Spasm and narrowing of bronchi leading to airway obstruction?

Asthma: spasms and narrowing of bronchi leading to airway obstruction

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symptoms are? wheezing airway irritation cough

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What is the first goal in treating byssinosis?

Therapy for early-stage byssinosis focuses on reversing airway narrowing.

What is the noise you make when there is something up your throat?

Depending on what part of the airway is obstructed it could be rales, rhonci, stridor, or wheezing

Is asthma in the esophagus?

Yes it can, when there is a narrowing of the esophagus, If the doctor suspect a narrowing of the esophagus, it would be good to get an endoscopy and have the esophagus dilated by the doctor during the endoscopy. Acid re-flux also can affect breathing when it back up into the lungs causing to aspirate.

Respiratory passageways narrowed by bronchiolar spasms?

Asthma: spasms and narrowing of bronchi leading to airway obstruction