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Q: What is the natural form of starch in a leaf?
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Is starch a synthetic or natural polymer?

natural, starches are a form of sugar, potatos have a form of starch. I'm sure there are also some synthetic ones as well.

How is starch produced in the leaf?

When the plant is kept in sunlight the starch is formed in leaf.

How did the duration of light affect the leaf's ability to form starch?

Leaves absorb the light from the sun as energy, and store that energy in starch. Having less sunlight results in less starch.

How do you determine the location of starch in a leaf?

To determine the location of starch in a leaf, one can examine it under the microscope and apply one small drop of iodine to the leaf. The parts of the leaf that turn purple contain starch.

Why did the leaf turn brittle in testing a leaf for starch?

The leaf turns brittle during the testing the leaf for starch because the ethanol extracts the all water content from the leaf.

Why did the leaf turn blue black when iodine was added in the starch test?

because photosynthesis has occured in the leaf. starch is produced and turns iodine blue-black indicating the presence of starch.

Does the leaf contain starch?


What did you see on the leaf in the test tube when testing for starch?

Use iodine to test a leaf for starch | Plant Physiology | Biology

Where is starch stored in a variegated Coleus leaf?

The starch in a variegated Coleus leaf is stored in the pigmented parts of the leaf. Coleus is a flowering plant is usually considered an ornamental plant because of its color.

What is the role of iodine in testing a leaf for starch?

A hot bath of ethanol decolorizes the leaf by washing out the chlorophyll. If the leaf is not decolorized, you cannot see the blue-black stain that results from the iodine reacting with the starch.

Why boil a leaf for a starch test?

It is to kill the cytoplasm, denaturate the enzyme and makes the leaf become more permeable to the iodine solution, therefor, we have to boil a leaf for starch test

What is the function of starch in a leaf?

The function of starch in the leaf is to provide energy for the cell for the different functions. When the starch in the plant cells degrades, carbon is released so that it can be utilized in the production of sucrose.