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Q: What is the natural habitat of the white Bengal tiger?
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What is the climate of the white Bengal tiger's habitat?


What habitat does the white Bengal tiger usually live in?

they sometimes live in trees

Why is the Bengal tiger on the endangered list?

The White Siberian Tiger is on the endangered list because of hunting and habitat loss

What is a white Bengal tiger habitat?

Currently, only in captivity. White Bengal tigers are not a seperate species from the normal Bengal tiger, but an extremely rare color morph. White cubs can appear at any time in a normal litter, but there are none known in the wild at this time.

How is the White tiger different from the normal tiger?

They aren't different the White Bengal Tiger is just white and the Bengal Tiger is orange.

Is a Bengal tiger the same thing as a white tiger?

A white tiger is a variation of the Bengal tiger that is white with black stripes instead of orange with black stripes. All white tigers are Bengal tigers, but not all Bengal tigers are white tigers.

What is the habitat of Bengal tigers and white tigers?

White tigers are a rare varation of the normal bengal tiger. Left to itself, it would hav the same kind of habitat as the normal bengal tigers - the Forests of India and some neighboring countries. But since us humans found the black and White tiger so striking, there are more White tigers alive today in captivity in parks and zoos than there has ever been in the wild. So today, the most probable habitat of a White tiger is a zoo or a park.

Where do white tiger live wild?

White tigers are albino individuals of the Bengal tiger species of India, and occurs naturally but rarely among their populations. There are also Siberian white tigers which are crossbreeds between white Bengals and normal Siberians. (There is no record of a naturally albino Siberian, although that might provide an advantage in its natural habitat.)

What is the coloration of a Bengal tiger?

Bengal tiger is obviously orange with black stripes,there are white tigers, completely white tigers which actually do not have stripes, there is also black tiger and extremely rare blue tiger.

What cased the white tiger to be on the endangered list?

All tigers have been endangered due to poaching, hunting for sport, and habitat loss. White tigers are only genetic flaws of the Bengal tiger.

What is the white Bengal tiger's respiratory system like?

The same as the orange Bengal tiger.....

What is the name of the Bengal tiger in the remake Arthur?

The white Bengal tiger's name is Shikira.