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The neutral mutation of the penguin is actually very rare. It is considered a one in a zillion mutation. The penguin would appear completely black. Most penguins would be black with a white oval on its stomach, this one on the other hand is black without a white oval on its stomach.

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Q: What is the neutral mutation of a penguin?
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How can you detect neutral mutation on molecular level?

"Neutral" isn't a molecular-level concept. A neutral mutation is one that doesn't affect the fitness of the organism; fitness is depending on the environment. For instance, a mutation that's neutral when nutrients are plentiful might become positive or negative if a particular nutrient becomes rare.

What is a example of a neutral mutation?

A neutral mutation would be something such as having one green eye and one blue eye. It doesn't hinder you and it doesn't give you an advantage.

How a mutation may not affect an organisms traits?

A mutation does not affect an organism trait for a reason. It is neutral which depends on the environment.

What is a neutral mutation?

A neutral mutation is a mutation that has no effect on the body. It is an alteration in the DNA sequence that is neither beneficial nor detrimental to an organism's ability to survive and procreate.

Would a point mutation or a frame shift mutation more likely produce a neutral mutation?

A point shift mutation is more likely to produce a neutral reaction. This is because it involves a change in one nucleotide. A frame shift mutation is more deleterious because it involves the insertion or deletion of multiple base pairs within a gene's coding sequence.

When when a mutation results in no significant change in the production of a of a functional protein?

When a mutation does not change the result of a normal production of a protein is called harmless. This is because it does no harm to the individual.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before mutation?

The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation?

The neutral mutation does not change the amino acid coded for by the codon. A good example is the RNA codon that could be the CCA, CCC or the CCG.

What is a mutation called that has no effect on an organism?

A point mutation, in which one nitrogen base in a codon is substituted for another, may have no effect on an organism. This is true if the base substitution does not change the amino acid that the codon represents, or if the mutation occurs in a non-critical location in the protein so that the protein's structure is not changed significantly and the protein is still able to function.

Can mutation have effects?

changes in DNA can cause an important trait, no change, or a harmful trait.

Which causes more variation within a population from generation to generation mutation or sexual recombination and Why?

Sexual recombination only takes genes already extant and make new combinations. Mutation presents a brand new variation ( if not neutral or deleterious ) to the eye of natural selection. So, mutation, from generation to generation.

Is a mutation dangerous?

Can be, but most mutations are neutral. If you had a gene that coded for a hydrophobic amino acid and it was point mutated to another gene that coded for another hydrophobic amino acid then there would be no change in the protein fold and no danger. Statistically this the the majority of mutation cases.