

Best Answer

The nouns in the sentence are:

  • friend, common noun, subject of the sentence;
  • Harry, proper noun, an appositive, renames the noun 'friend';
  • boy, common noun, subject complement, renames the subject noun.
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Q: What is the noun in the sentence My friend Harry is a kind boy?
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What is the noun in this sentence you wave to your friend?

The noun is friend.

How do you turn hobbies of my friend into a apostrophe?

The phrase "hobbies of my friend" can make a sentence sound awkward and makes the sentence unduly longer. You can shorten it to "my friend's hobbies", with friend being a singular noun turned into a singular possessive noun.

How do you use kind in a sentence as an abstract noun?

The abstract noun 'kind' functions as a subject of a sentence or clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:The kind I like are the lilacs. (subject of the sentence)These are not as good as the homemade kind. (object of the preposition 'as')

Is the word she a concrete noun?

No, the word she is a pronoun, not a noun. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. A pronoun can take the place of a concrete or an abstract noun. Examples:Concrete noun and corresponding pronoun: Janetis my friend, she is from Bermuda.Abstract noun and corresponding pronoun: Mother Nature can be kind or she can be cruel.

What are the common nouns in the sentence - Sofia is your best friend?

The one common noun is 'friend', a singular, common noun, a word for a person.

Which sentence contains a predicate noun?

This is not the kind of question we can answer.

Is best friend common noun?

Yes, the compound noun 'best friend' is a common noun, a word for any best friend of anyone. A proper noun for best friend is the name of the friend, Sofia. The word "friend" in the sentence "Sofia is your best friend" is the only common noun. "Sofia" is a proper noun, "is" is a present-tense verb, "your" is a possessive adjective, and "best" is a superlative adjective.

How do you write a sentence using an appositive?

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or explains another noun in a sentence. For example, "My friend, a talented artist, painted a beautiful mural." The appositive "a talented artist" provides more information about the noun "my friend."

Is the beginning of a sentence a proper noun?

No, a sentence can begin with any kind of word. The first letter of a sentence is always capitalized to mark the start of the individual sentence, not because the word is a proper noun.

Could you give me a sentence involving the word Harry?

Yes, but then you won't learn nothin'. "Harry" is a noun. You can stick it into nearly any sentence. For that matter, Harry could stick it into nearly any sentence. See how easy that was? ---------------------------- Harry is a noun, yes. Harry can be a name. "Harry went to the store." But it can also be an adjective. If you want it to be an adjective, I don't think you spelled it right. "The Hairy elephant sneezed." I'm not sure how to spell harry as an adjective. ___________________ Harry (with an upper-case H) can only be a name. With a lower-case h, it is a verb meaning to plunder, ravage, or harass. Harry cannot be an adjective.

What is the proper noun for the sentence your friend Jessica plays the flute?

The proper noun is Jessica, the name of a person. A proper noun always starts with a capital letter.

How do you make the word friend to a pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The appropriate pronoun to take the place of the noun 'friend' is he or she as a subject of a sentence or a clause; him or her as the object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:The flowers are for my friend. He is in the hospital where I will be visiting him.My friend will be joining us. She will be here soon, so we won't be late if we wait for her.