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of the more than 15,000 resolutions proposed by congrees since 1789 only have become amendment to the constitution?

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Q: What is the only group that has proposed an amendment to the constitution since 1789?
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How many amendments were added to the us constitution since 2010?

Zero. Amendment XXVII was the most recent ratified, in 1992. There have been proposed Amendments though.

How many amendments to the US constitutionh have been replaced by other amendments?

There are 27 amendments for US constitution. In order for an amendment to be added to the US constitution it should be ratified by three quarter of states. Right now since there is 50 states it should be ratified by 38 states.The first ten amendments, commonly known as a group as the Bill of Rights, were all ratified at once. The amendments were proposed on September 25, 1789.The 11th Amendment, which limits Supreme Court jurisdiction, was proposed on March 4, 1794.The 12th Amendment, which reworks the presidential selection process, was proposed on December 9, 1803.The 13th Amendment, which prohibits slavery, was proposed on January 31, 1865.The 14th Amendment, which guarantees the rights of citizens and other persons, was proposed on June 13, 1866.The 15th Amendment, which ensures the right of black men to vote, was proposed on February 26, 1869.The 16th Amendment, which specifically authorizes the income tax, was proposed on July 12, 1909.The 17th Amendment, which required Senators be elected by the people, was proposed on May 13, 1912.The 18th Amendment, which prohibited alcohol, was proposed on December 18, 1917.The 19th Amendment, which ensures women the right to vote, was proposed on June 4, 1919.The 20th Amendment, which sets the dates for the beginning of congressional and presidential terms, was proposed on March 2, 1932.The 21st Amendment, which repealed Amendment 18, was proposed on February 20, 1933.The 22nd Amendment, which sets the presidential two-term limit, was proposed on March 21, 1947.The 23rd Amendment, which grants Washington D.C. electoral votes, was proposed on June 17, 1960.The 24th Amendment, which ensures the vote cannot be taken away for failing to pay a poll tax, was proposed on August 27, 1962.The 25th Amendment, which details presidential disability procedures, was proposed on July 6, 1965.The 26th Amendment, which ensures the vote to all citizens over the age of 18, was proposed on March 23, 1971.The 27th Amendment, which restricts raises in congressional pay, was proposed on September 25, 1789.2710

When was the Equal Rights Amendment added to the Constitution?

The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed by Alice Paul in 1923, when it was first introduced to Congress. Since then it has failed to gain momentum in the US Legislature, gaining the most probable chance of passing in 1972 before spending a decade in deliberation before its eventual failure in 1982.

Who aproves admendments to the constitution?

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by constitutional convention. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution. Since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval. A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States).

Is the failed equal rights the 14th amendment?

The 14th amendment does concern equal rights, but it would be an error to describe it as "failed" ... it just took a while (100 years or so) to actually become effectual in practice. The proposed amendment called the Equal Rights Amendment that was never passed, and could therefore reasonably be described as "failed", would have been the 20th amendment had it passed when it was proposed, or the 27th if had passed when it was finally accepted by Congress. Since it was not ratified by a sufficient number of states to be made part of the Constitution, it doesn't HAVE a number, though it could theoretically be re-proposed as what would become the 28th Amendment were it to pass.

Can amendments be removed from the constitution?

A total of 33 amendments have been made to the US constitution since approval of Constitution in March 4, 1789.A total of 27 amendments have been ratified and 6 are still pending ratification. The oldest un-ratified amendment dates back to September 25, 1789 which is still pending. Ratified amendments are permanent changes to constitution.

Was the bill of rights proposed in attempt to defeat the constitution?

No. It was proposed to cover the holes left in the Constitution, which resulted from changes in the society and politics since the first establishment of it.

Which amendment had no impact on the Constitution since it repeals one of the others?

That would be the amendment repealing prohibition. The 18th amendment established prohibition, and the 21st repealed it. However, to say that these amendments had no impact on the Constitution is not correct. The 18th amendment became part of the Constitution as truly as any other part, and the 21st did also. This had a major impact on the Constitution, and on the people as well.

As of 1997 how many amendments had been made to the constitution?

26. The 27th Amendment, proposed in 1789, was not ratified completely until 1992, almost 203 years later.

What are the amendment to the constitution?

Changes to the Constitution Changes or additions made to the original document are called amendments. The first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. The Constitution of The United States is the primary set of laws that govern the U.S. and any other laws passed by congress or the states or any other governing body are subordinate to it and can not violate the contents of the constitution. No law could be passed that contradicts any part of the constitution and the Supreme Court has the authority to declare a law as contrary to the constitution (unconstitutional), invalid and unenforceable. A group called the Anti-federalists objected to the constitution as it was originally written. They felt that it gave the federal government to much power and could lead to abuse of that power. Before the Constitution could be ratified and accepted as law, a group of laws to address this issue were submitted to be included as part of the constitution. Rather than actually modify the constitution, ten of these laws were accepted as amendments to the constitution. These first ten amendments are now known as the Bill of Rights. Since than, whenever a new law was needed that did not conform to the constitution, it had to be submitted as an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. Although a proposed law goes into effect by being passed by both houses of congress and than by the President, an amendment needs a more involved procedure. A constitutional amendment can be proposed by a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. It can also be proposed by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures, although this has not yet occurred. It than has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states by having the state legislatures approve it or by state ratifying (constitutional) conventions approving it. Congress decides whether it is done by the legislatures or conventions. Once three fourths of the states have ratified the amendment, it becomes part of the constitution.

What amendment decided how many terms your governor could serve?

None, since this has nothing to do with the U.S. Constitution.

When it became law that presidents can serve 2 times in office?

The 22nd amendment to the Constitution was proposed after the sudden death (in 1945) of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was in the middle of serving a fourth term. It took a while for the amendment to be ratified by the states, but it finally became law in 1951, and since then, no president can serve more than two terms.