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In oxygen containing anions that also include a less electronegative element, oxygen is taken to have an oxidation number of -2. A sulfate ion has a charge of -2. The four oxygen atoms of a sulfate ion have a total charge of 4 X -2 or -8; therefore, the oxygen atom must have an oxidation number of +6 to yield the correct value for the charge of the sulfate ions.

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Q: What is the oxidation number of sulphur in sulfate?
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The oxidation number in atomic sulfur is 0. The oxidation number of sulfide ion is -2. With oxygen and other non metals, it makes numerous ions where its oxidation number varies from -2 to +6.

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Things are complicated if we use the term valency. It is better to use the term Oxidation state or Oxidation Number. In SO2, the oxidation state of sulphur is +4 and In SO3, the oxidation state of sulphur is +6.

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6. The oxidation number of sulfur is +6. Another approach if you are not familiar with oxidation number is to draw Lewis dot diagrams for sulfate ion, these will have 2 double bonds and two single bonds (single bonds attaching negative charged oxygen atoms) and will show will show 6 bonds from sulfur.