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This should be SO4-2 ion. sulfur shows +6 in this ion.

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Q: What is the oxidation numbers for SO4?
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What is Oxidation numbers for SO4?

This should be SO4-2 ion. sulfur shows +6 in this ion.

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zn is equal to +2 and so4 is equal to -2. those are the oxidation numbers. dont worry its correct

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SO4^2- has a net negative 2 charge.each O = 2-S = 6+

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+6: Oxygen in oxyanions is assumed to have an oxidation state of -2; there are four such oxygen atoms, for a total of -8, and the SO4 anion has a charge of -2. This means that the sulfur atom must have an oxidation state of +6, because +6 added to - 8 = -2.

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k2cr2o7+FeSO4+H2SO4 --> Cr2(SO4)3+Fe2(SO4)3+K2SO4+H2O

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