

What is the percentage of cats killed by other cats?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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There has not been a study done on this. At this point of time the answer is unknown.

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Q: What is the percentage of cats killed by other cats?
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What type of cats eat mice?

Wild cats eat mice and other rodents. However, domesticated cats will hunt mice to practice their hunting, to play, and to give it to you (there are various reasons for cats to give their killed or half-killed prey to you.)

What is the percentage of Polydactyl Cats?

Polydactyl is a genetic abnormality that is sometimes seen in cats as well as other species. Polydactyl cats are not bred to have the extra digits, and there is no true percentage of this occurrence. The only exception is the Maine Coon which disreputable breeders will attempt breeding.

What percentage of cats lick?

Only 6% of cats lick their owners as a sign of love or hatred. If you have twin cats and one licks and the other doesn't, the one that doesn't has diabetes.

When in history were cats killed?

In the bubonic plague people thought that the blakc death or plague was carried by cats and not Rats or fleas and killed the cats.

Why do cats get killed by cars?

Cars get killed by cars because cats walk where cars drive. Cats get killed by cars because the drivers of the cars are careless and don't really care whether they kill a cat or not. Last reason I think why cats get killed by cars is because cars are bigger and stronger then cats so therefore the cats lose in that battle.

How many cats did tigersar kill?

Brindleface, Redtail, Gorsepaw. 3 cats. He is also responsible for the deaths of other cats, like when he brought the pack of rogues into ThunderClan and the rogues killed Runningwind.

How many cats are killed each year by animal testing?

In 2000, around 25,500 cats were killed from animal testing.

What happens to the cats in StarClan when the are killed?

When cats in StarClan are killed, they fade away or disappear from the afterlife. Unlike living cats who have nine lives, cats in StarClan do not possess the ability to be reborn after being killed.

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100% of patriots were killed

Did firestar kill a cat in the warrior cats?

Yes, he did, but only for defensive purposes. He killed Scourge, the evil leader of BloodClan. I don't think he killed any other cat.

What cats have Firestar killed?

Just Scourge

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in 2004 the percentage of children killed in car accidents was 63%