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Q: What is the percentage of surviving in a car accident if wearing seat belt?
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What is the percentage of surviving an injury with a seat belt?


Why do you need to wear seat belts?

Wearing a seat belt has been reported to save more lives in an accident than wearing no seat belt.

Will a passenger who is wearing a seat belt likely hit the windshield in an accident?

If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.

Does not wearing your seat belt go on your motor vehicle record?

yes, that's why when your in an accident and you get killed they all ways tell on the news report if you were or were not wearing a seat belt.

What percentage does wearing a seat belt save your life?

95% of the time but only 72% of the population use a seat belt

What will happen if you don't wear a seat belt?

What will happen? Most times, nothing at all will happen, as most car journeys finish safely.However, what might happen is a different matter.If an accident happens, you could be thrown around the car, you might be thrown against other passengers, or you might be thrown through the windshield. You have a much greater chance of surviving a serious accident if you are wearing a seat belt.

Can you get minimize injuries from a car accident without your seat belt on?

No way. There has been documented proof that wearing a seat belt can prevent most injuries.

Why do people not wearing seatbelts get hurt in collisions?

TRUTHFULLY it sometimes depends on the car accident he or she is in minor car accidents can be resisted with wearing a seat belt major collisions can cause a person to get hurt because of the seat belt resits

What injuries can occur if you don't wear a seat belt?

Injuries that occur in a car as a result of a person not wearing their seat belt depends on the accident. If the impact is strong enough, they can be thrown from the car.

What percentage does Simply wearing a lap-and-shoulder belt combination can cut your chance of being killed by?

50 percent

A convoy vehicle stopped suddenly killing a soldier not wearing a seat belt. what accident class is this?

ON duty fatality is a class A, regardless of lack of seatbelt.

What happens if you don't wear a seat belt?

Not only will you get fined in most states, but if you are in an accident, the likelihood of death is much higher if you aren't wearing a seatbelt.