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they fan out from the north

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Q: What is the physical pattern formed by the mountain ranges and rivers from mainland Southeast Asia?
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What are physical patterns?

a physical pattern is the opposite to a human pattern. a physical pattern is a man made river, lake, ocean, mountain and so on. hope this helps!!

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The Swiss Mountain Dog is very similar. The main difference: the Swiss's coat is short, not curly like a Burnese.

Which mountain barrier influences the rainfall pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon winds from the south?

Northern Mountains

Does noise have a pattern?

So called "White Noise" is purely random. Noise that you hear that comes from from physical processes almost always has a pattern and is not white noise.

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Which mountain barrier influences the rainfall pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon wind from the south?

The northern mountain barrier influences the rainfall pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon (rain-bearing) winds from the south. Melting snow from the mountains also feeds rivers, including the Indus, which emerge from the east-west aligned ranges to flow southward

Which mountain barrier influences the rainfull pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon winds from south?

The northern mountain barrier influences the rainfall pattern in Pakistan by intercepting monsoon (rain-bearing) winds from the south. Melting snow from the mountains also feeds rivers, including the Indus, which emerge from the east-west aligned ranges to flow southward