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The pilgrimage is also known as the Hajj. It is a religious journey undertaken by Muslims to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims to perform at least once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able to do so.

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What is a religious journey called in the middle east?

A religious journey is known as a 'pilgrimage', also in the Moslem religion a Hajj.

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Another popular pilgrimage was the Camino de Santiago in Spain, also known as the Way of St. James. This pilgrimage route has been traveled for over a thousand years by pilgrims seeking the tomb of St. James the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela.

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Canterbury was a pilgrimage destination in England. There were also pilgrimage routes leading across France into Spain to the pilgrimage sites of Montserrat and Compostela.

Is there a word with a double J in English?

There are two - related - words in the Oxford English Dictionary.The pilgrimage to Mecca which every Muslim is expected to make, at least once, is known as the hajj.A person who has completed this pilgrimage is known as a hajji.

What is the legend of Santiago?

The legend of Santiago, also known as the legend of Saint James, is tied to the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain. According to legend, the remains of Saint James were discovered in the 9th century in Santiago de Compostela and his shrine became one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Christianity. It is said that those who complete the pilgrimage will receive a plenary indulgence.

How do you write a project on pilgrimage?

To write a project on pilgrimage, start with an introduction defining pilgrimage and its significance. Include information on different pilgrimage sites around the world, their cultural and religious importance, as well as the impact of pilgrimage on individuals and communities. Also, consider discussing the history of pilgrimage, modern-day practices, and any controversies or challenges associated with this practice. Conclude with reflections on the future of pilgrimage in a globalized world.

What do you call a pilgrim's journey to holy place?

A journey made by a pilgrim is known as a pilgrimage.

What is lesser pilgrimage?

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