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Q: What is the population of tigers in a country like Sweden?
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Which country has the majority of its population likes heavy metal music?

Heh, I'd like to say Sweden, personally, but there probably hasn't been a survey put out to gauge the % of the population of the globe like which music type.

Does people live in Sweden?

yes. Sweden is a country like Turkey or Australia etc.

How is Sweden used?

Like a country, because that's what it is?

Which country are you likely to find tigers?

The largest population of tigers is said to be found in India. The population is high enough to cause fear in the people because tigers walk the streets freely and sometimes cause harm. Tigers are endangered and the Bengal tiger is said to be the most important subspecies.

What was the economy like in Sweden in 1910?

In 1910, Sweden was a third world country with some beginnings of industrialization.

How do you say 'country' in Estonian?

If you mean country like Estonia, Sweden, UK then it is 'riik'.

Country origin of a tiger?

tigers are small wolf like creatures, i love them <3

What type of Technology do Sweden use?

Technology like every other 1st world country.

What country is the whitest?

It's difficult to determine the "whitest" country as there are many factors to consider, such as population demographics, immigration patterns, and regional diversity. However, countries with predominantly Caucasian populations like Iceland, Finland, and Sweden may be considered among the "whitest" countries.

How much has the population of tigers dropped in the past 100 years?

a lot like quit a lot to be honest its unberliverable

Which country in the world has the lowest population growth?

Any country shrinking in population, like Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy, etc.

Are there any other languagein Sweden?

Finnish. But 95% knows english, so as a tourist Sweden is a great country to visit. Nothing like Italy etc where noone can help you.