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It is to go along

and do not differ from the original (text)

like the word implicates: analog = same way, parallel

as my text about Judaism says it was (produced)

used in

Hanafite School in Muslim writings,

and introduced into judaic tradition by some "followers of the Scripts"

to say "as we have done it has to be done"

or " like the word is written, we will state it"

I too, find it difficult, because today, it´s common to interpret on a word

So the meaning differs all the way.

To say, "be conform / analog to the word" hm...

... there is a whole world of understanding a writing

(and its not a principle of analogic understanding)

so it leaves you, mostly free to think about the meaning.

But one thing to mention "Don't go again the word as it is written!"

- this way I don´t find it difficult to praise the principle of analogy

- contradictory there is a critical method,

and this people would never fit in, because they belief

that everything is not as it is written,

that's the other way around.

but I think that in the end there is not much difference

It is only that one concept is for believers and the other for non-believers

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1mo ago

The principle of analogy is a method used in logic and argumentation where similarities between two things are used to draw conclusions about them. It involves inferring that if two things are alike in certain respects, they must also be alike in other respects. It is commonly used to help illustrate complex ideas or relationships by comparing them to more familiar or easily understood concepts.

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