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It depends on the parents' genes. If both parent have a Pp genotype, then the offspring has a 25% chance of having a PP genotype. But if both parents have a PP genotype then its 100%.

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Q: What is the probability that the offspring will inherit a PP genotype?
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A testcross on a tall pea plant produces only tall offspring. What is the genotype of the tall pea plant?


When Mendel crossed purebred purple flowering plants PP with purebred white flowering plants pp what were the flower colors of the resulting offspring?

Let us assume that both Rr and rr produce red flowers and only rr produces white flowers. Since one parents and the offspring are white, they have rr as genotypes. In order to achieve this result, the other parent would have to haev at least one r in its genotype. Since the otehr parent is red and needs to have one r, it's genotype is Rr. In short, the parents's genotypes are Rr for the red one and rr for the white one.

When purple is a dominant the white offspring of purple and white parents will be?

Pp Not Pp it is pp

Apply the term homozygous heterozygous dominant or recessive to describe plants with the genotypes PP and Pp?

The plant with genotype PP is homozygous dominant, meaning it has two dominant alleles. The plant with genotype Pp is heterozygous, having one dominant and one recessive allele.

What does p2 represent in the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium equation: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p is frequency of dominant allele A q is frequency of recessive allele a p + q always equals 1 pp or p2 is probability of AA occurring qq or q2 is probability of AA occurring 2pq is probability of Aa occurring (pq is probability of Aa, qp is probability of aA, so 2pq is probability of all heterozygotes Aa) These add up to 1 because they represent all possibilities. The frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype

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If you cross a while flower with the genotype pp with a purple flower with the genotype pp the possible genotypes in the offspring will be what for the cross what would the phenotypes be?

half white and half purple

A man homozygous for the perfect pitch trait marries a women without perfect pitch What is the probability that any of their three children will NOT have perfect pitch?

The man's genotype is PP, and the woman's genotype is pp. Their children will all be Pp carriers of the perfect pitch trait. The probability that any of their children will NOT have perfect pitch is 0%, as all will inherit at least one copy of the perfect pitch trait.

What genotype is Pp?


How else can the genotype Pp be written?


If both heterozygous parents are carriers of a recessive allele for phenylketonuria the probability that a given child of these parents will have PKU is?

The probability that a given child will have PKU is 25%. This is because both parents are carriers of the recessive allele (heterozygous), so there is a 25% chance that they will each pass on the recessive allele, resulting in the child having PKU.

A testcross on a tall pea plant produces only tall offspring. What is the genotype of the tall pea plant?


When Mendel crossed purebred purple flowering plants PP with purebred white flowering plants pp what were the flower colors of the resulting offspring?

Let us assume that both Rr and rr produce red flowers and only rr produces white flowers. Since one parents and the offspring are white, they have rr as genotypes. In order to achieve this result, the other parent would have to haev at least one r in its genotype. Since the otehr parent is red and needs to have one r, it's genotype is Rr. In short, the parents's genotypes are Rr for the red one and rr for the white one.

When purple is a dominant the white offspring of purple and white parents will be?

Pp Not Pp it is pp

Why do the genotype Pp and pP all have the same phenotype?

because they all have at least one dominant alleles.

Apply the term homozygous heterozygous dominant or recessive to describe plants with the genotypes PP and Pp?

The plant with genotype PP is homozygous dominant, meaning it has two dominant alleles. The plant with genotype Pp is heterozygous, having one dominant and one recessive allele.

A cross between homozygous purple flowered and homozygous white flowered pea plants results in offspring with purple flowers This demonstrates?

The principle of dominance.The gene for purple flowers is dominant, while the gene for white flowers is recessive. We know this because both flowers are homozygous, meaning their genes are the same. The genotype of Penelope (the purple flower) is PP, or purple purple. The genotype of Walter (the white flower) is pp, or white white. Because of this, if the gene for white petals was dominant, all the flower offspring would display white petals. If the genes were codominant, the flower offspring would be lavender, an even mix between the white and purple phenotypes.The Punnet square for this example (if you are a visual person) looks like this:......................Walter........................p | p....................___ | ___................P | Pp | Pp |Penelope .....________................P | Pp | Pp |...................|___|___ |You can clearly see that all the offspring are heterozygous, yet because they all share Penelope's phenotype, it is quite obvious that, again, the gene for purple flowers is dominant.

What does p2 represent in the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium equation: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p is frequency of dominant allele A q is frequency of recessive allele a p + q always equals 1 pp or p2 is probability of AA occurring qq or q2 is probability of AA occurring 2pq is probability of Aa occurring (pq is probability of Aa, qp is probability of aA, so 2pq is probability of all heterozygotes Aa) These add up to 1 because they represent all possibilities. The frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype