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Q: What is the process of assembling a protein from RNA?
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The process of assembling a protein from RNA is called and it occurs in the?

The process of assembling a protein from RNA (specially the messenger RNA or mRNA) is called translation and occurs in the ribosomes.

The process of assembling a protein from RNA is called translation and it occurs in the?

Translation occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell

The process of assembling a protein form RNA is called?

This is Transcription, and it is called mRNA

Instructions for assembling amino acids into proteins are carried in?

Genetic translation in the first stage of protein biosynthesismessenger RNA (mRNA) carries instructions that are required for assembling asmino acids into proteins (a process called translation)

When RNA becomes protein the process is called?

RNA does not become protein. Messenger RNA transcribes the DNA code and carries it to a ribosome where it is translated by transfer RNA into a sequence of amino acids that will make a protein. The entire process is called protein synthesis.

Where is the process of making rna from DNA occur?

rna protein chains

What process is RNA used for?

Protein synthesis

Process in which a protein is assembled at a ribosome?

According to scientists, transfer-RNA is responsible for assembling amino acids into polypeptides in the ribosome because it carries the correct amino acid to add to the polypeptide chain.

Is RNA a vitamin or mineral?

RNA is neither. It is a protein used in the replication process of cells.

The sequence of events in the process of protein synthesis is usually?

DNA to RNA to protein

What converts mrna into a protein?

RNA is not converted into protein, it codes for protein.

How is RNA molecule a script for the protein production process?

the DNA reads the rna making proteins