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My male cat had to be opened in 2 places to neuter him, then had to return 6 months later and was opened again. The vet said the cat would try to remove the stitches himself while grooming and unless one got infected, I would not need to come back in. If, by some chance, any stitches remained when the wound was well approximated that the cat didn't remove, I could remove them with small embroidery scissors. Maybe because I was a nurse and had experience removing sutures he felt comfortable with me removing any that remained.

You can always call your vet to find out what to do for your little one. ~ Bubbejo

AnswerThey need to be taken back to the vet to have the stitches removed! AnswerI just had 2 of my cats spayed & the vet used disolving

stitches so check with your vet to see if these were used they usually do.Then

no need to worry they will disolve

in 12 -18 days.

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I think veterinary surgeons typically use dissolving stitches when spaying female cats. At least, all the female cats my family and I have had were stitched up with dissolving stitches when they were spayed.

If your vet did not use dissolving stitches, then you will have to take her back to the vet to have the stitches removed. DO NOT attempt to remove them yourself; only a qualified veterinarian should do it. Call your vet and ask if and when the stitches need to be removed.

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Can you remove stitches at home from your cat after she has been spayed?

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== == Yes, there is not a problem.

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It depends how long after the cat was spayed (your vet would have given you instructions as to when to bring in your cat for a checkup.) I did put a small collar on my own cat because of her licking her stitches. Be sure there are no stitch ends poking into the cats skin. I would take the collar off when she was eating or drinking. Some vets disagree, but the saliva of cats and dogs is healing and they used this method when they were once wild. Some cats will heal quicker than others, so it wouldn't hurt if your cat started licking her stitches 3 - 4 days after being spayed to take your pet to the vets.

What do you call a cat that can't have babies?

I do not think there is a special term for it. If the cat is spayed, then the cat will often be described as "a spayed cat".

Your cat got spayed and you think she has a infection just below the stitches?

Take her back to the vet. If you wait too long, she may die from it. Better to be safe, than sorry.

What can you give the cat for not to get pragnet?

You can get your cat spayed

How old does your cat have to be to be spayed?

your cat has to be 1 and up

Will stitches left too long hurt a cat?

If you do not clean the stitches, I would not be supised if the stitches got infected or if your cat was not careful and they caught on something.

Why is your cat in heat constantly?

Because she has not been spayed or impregnated. You need to have her spayed.

Can a cat be spayed when she is in heat?


Can a spayed cat go into heat if she is around a unspayed cat?

Normally, no. However, if not all of the ovarian tissue was removed when the cat was spayed, then yes she can. And she would not need to be triggered by an unaltered cat.