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They have to eat hard-shelled, meaty food in order to survive, including crabs, clams, snails, oysters, crayfish, and shrimp.

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Q: What is the puffer fishs food sources?
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How much does a Puffer fish eat in one day?

i feed my 7" stars and stripes puffer fish 2 LARGE prawns 2 frozen cubes of brimeshrimps or krill or myisis shrimp 2 clams in the morrning and again in the eveining. she always looking for more too.

Why do the Japanese eat puffer fish?

they eat puffer fish because it is a good food

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fishs eddy

Where can you buy puffer fish food?

You can buy it at a local pet store. I'm sure that they have regular and special food for your little puffer.

What is daily life for a puffer fish?

puffer fish wake up hunt. Then eat the food. The puffer fish try not to get eaten. so if you like puffer fish or blow fish help them

What food chain is the puffer fish in?

you know that one with the puffer fish that eats that fish yea you know

How does a puffer fish get food?

it swallows it and scares it till it is frozen

When do puffer fish start hunting food?

by pooping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do puffer fish consume their food?

they do it by making their own plants

What is the food chain of a puffer?

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