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Active Transport

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Q: What is the pumping of materials across a membrane against their concentration gradients?
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What energy from the hydrolysis of ATP is used to drive substances across the membrane against their own concentration gradients?

primary active transport

The net flow of materials through the membrane of a cell against a concentration gradient is?

It's Active Transport.

Which transport mechanisms moves materials across a plasma membrane against an apparent concentration gradient?

active transport

Why would a cell need active transport?

To transport protein to specific areas of the cell, e.g. the synaptic terminal of a neuron's axon; and to transport ions & chemicals against their concentration gradients

Which process uses proteins to move molecules against a concentration gradients?

active transport

How does diffusion from active transport?

Active transport expends energy, unlike osmosis and diffusion. Active transport is a way to move substances against concentration gradients in the cell membrane, so they need more energy to do so.

How does active transport differ from diffusion?

Active transport expends energy, unlike osmosis and diffusion. Active transport is a way to move substances against concentration gradients in the cell membrane, so they need more energy to do so.

The transport of a substance across the cell membrane against its concentration gradient is called what?

The transport of a substance across the cell membrane against its concentration gradient is called active transport.

The process that moves materials through a membrane against a concentration diffrence is known as?

This process is known as active transport; needing ATP energy to complete the process.

What is the transport of materials against a concentration gradient called?

The process of moving materials against a concentration gradient is called active transport. Active transport generally uses a protein pump to move molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration; in order to perform an active transport, the cell must use some of its energy to initiate the reaction.

Why are ATPases associated with active transport proteins?

They provide transport proteins with the energy needed to pump molecules against their concentration gradients.

How do small molecules get through the cell membrane against a concentration?

How do small molecules get through a cell membrane