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Q: What is the purpose of a proximal radio ulnar joint?
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What joint is the radio-ulnar involved in?


What are the articulating bones in the shoulder?

The 'ulnar' articulates on the 'humerus'. The 'radiu's also articulates in the 'humerus'.

What is TFCC stand for?

Triangular Fibrocartilaginous Complexmain stabilizer of the distal radio-ulnar joint (Wrist).Often injured from fall on outstretched hand

What a joint in the arm called?

The joint between the shoulder and the wrist is the elbow.

Does supination and pronation occur at the elbow joint?

No it occurs at the radial ulnar joint

What is pivotal joint?

A pivot joint is a type of synovial joint which only allows rotary movement around a single axis. One example is the proximal radio-ulnar joints.

What are two uniaxial joints?

humeral-ulnar joint (elbow), tibial-femoral joint (knee)

What nerve runs through the elbow?

"In human anatomy, the ulnar nerve is a nerve which runs near the ulna bone. The ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint is in relation with the ulnar nerve." -

What joint connects the arm to the hand?

There are a couple that I can think of:1) Between the hand and the arm is the wrist, which is actually made of Radial-Carpal joints and intercarpal joints.2) The radioulnar joint, of which there are 2:1 - The distal radioulnar joint is formed between the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch on the distal radius2 - The proximal radioulnar joint may be considered part of the elbow, but is actually where the radial head articulates with the radial notch of the ulna.

What muscle is used in elbow extensor?

None. The ulnar collateral ligament prevents abduction of the elbow joint.

What is the role of antagonist synergistic stabilizer and neutralizer muscle in human body?

Stabilizer - the muscle may contract to hold a body part immobile while another body part is moving. The sustained stabilizing contraction is frequently isometric. In most normal activities, proximal joints are stabilized by muscle contractions during movement of more distal joints - proximal stabilization. For an isolated movement at one joint to occur, the muscles that control the joints proximal to that joint must stabilize the proximal joints so that no motion occurs there. The antagonists for each motion at the proximal joint co-contract or contract against each other to prevent motion. Example: the quadriceps may stabilize the knee in an extended position of permit plantar flexion of the ankle as when the individual rises to tip-toe in erect position To perform isolated elbow flexion the proximal shoulder joint must be stabilized by flexors/extensors, abductors/adductors and internal/external rotators. Neutralizer - prevents unwanted motions a muscle can perform so a specific motion can occur. Mostly dependant on the angle of pull. Examples: the biceps can flex the elbow and supinate the forearm. If only elbow flexion is wanted, the supination component must be ruled out. Therefore, the pronator teres, which pronates the forearm, would contract to counteract the supination component of the biceps, and only elbow flexion would occur. Neutralizers act to cancel out an unwanted movement With wrist ulnar deviation the flexor carpi ulnaris will cause lexion and lunar deviation of the wrist. The extensor carpi ulnaris will cause extension and ulnar deviation. If ulnar deviation is desired, these muscles would contract doing two things: they would neutralize each other's flexion/extension component, and they would act as agonists in wrist ulnar deviation Stabilizers and Neutralizers both use co-contraction to prevent motion and have an antagonistic relationship. Stabilizersare associated with joints; Neutralizers are associated with muscle.

What joints allow for rotation?

You may be thinking of the "universal joint" in mechanics or a ball and socket joint, such as the shoulder or hip, in the skeletal system.