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Physical therapy is designed to help restore and maintain useful movements or functions and prevent complications such as frozen joints, contractures, or bedsores.

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Q: What is the purpose of physical therapy for tropical spastic paraparesis?
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What is tropical spastic paraparesis?

Tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) is a slowly progressive spastic paraparesis caused by the human T-cell lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1), with an insidious onset in adulthood.

How long can tropical spastic paraparesis remain dormant?

The disease may remain undetected for years after infection is contracted.

How is tropical spastic paraparesis cured?

While the disease is incurable, significant improvement has been reported in the condition of TSP patients treated with corticosteroids

Where is tropical spastic paraparesis found in the U.S.?

isolated cases have been diagnosed in the southeastern United States and other places in the United States

Where does tropical spastic paraparesis occur?

TSP is most frequently found in: the Caribbean, Japan, the Seychelles Islands, regions of South America, western Africa

How is tropical spastic paraparesis diagnosed?

Infectious disease specialists use blood tests and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spinal cord to diagnose this condition.

Who is most likely to contract tropical spastic paraparesis?

TSP usually affects adults between the ages of 30 and 40, and is far more common in women than in men.

What are some less common side effects of tropical spastic paraparesis?

20% of patients with TSP may also experience: deafness, double vision, dysmetria, exaggerated reflexes, facial paralysis, tremor.

What is the cause of tropical spastic paraparesis?

The cause of HAM/TSP is still a matter of debate. Three hypotheses are considered by scientists as the most likely cause of TSP: direct toxicity, autoimmunity, and bystander damage.

What medications are used to treat tropical spastic paraparesis?

significant improvement has been reported in the condition of TSP patients treated with corticosteroids. These drugs are believed to alleviate symptoms by suppressing the immune system's response to the virus that causes them.

What are the primary symptoms of tropical spastic paraparesis?

the body's immune response may injure nerve tissue, causing symptoms that include bladder abnormalities, leg pain, loss of feeling in the feet, tingling sensations, and unpleasant sensations when the skin is touched.

Where is tropical spastic paraparesis found?

TSP is caused by the HTLV-1 virus, which also causes leukemia. The virus can be spread through the placenta, and also through blood transfusions, breast-feeding, contaminated needles, and sexual contact.