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Q: What is the purpose of salt in the procedure of DNA extraction?
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The purpose is to help the mixture of salt water and ethanol so the can find the DNA of strawberry bananna etc. Extrsctions

What is the function of CL buffer in DNA extraction?

In a DNA extraction, the purpose of a buffer is to solubilize DNA as well as RNA. Because of this, it prevents the DNA for degrading.

What does salt do in DNA extraction?

The salt neutralizes the DNA's negative charge with its positive charge while the DNA precipitates.

What is the purpose of Trichloroacetic acid in DNA extraction?

Trichloroacetic acid is used for precipitation of the DNA during its extraction.

What is the function of salt in DNA extraction?

salt binds to molecules to keep it from clumping

Why grind the liver in a DNA extraction lab?

the purpose of grinding any substance during dna extraction is cell loosening.

What is the purpose of salt in DNA extraction?

shot out to my man oceas albarran keep doing yo thing remeber SUR 13 for life man

Role of saline tris edta in DNA extraction?

Its purpose is to isolate DNA from a protein mixture.

What is the purpose of using soap in a DNA extraction buffer?

The word detergent is used instead of soap in a DNA extraction buffer. Detergent is used to create a hydrophobic environment that favors the precipitation of proteins. Proteins are one of two major contaminants in DNA extraction (the other major contaminant being RNA). When protein precipitate, they can be separated by centrifugation and the DNA isolation procedure can continue.

What is the purpose of incubation in DNA extraction?

This is to give a period of time for the DNA to grow by replication; this allows there to be enough of a sample of DNA to extract.

What is the purpose of NACL is DNA extraction?

Sodium chloride help the separation of DNA from other proteins.

What is the difference between the strawberry DNA extraction procedure and the human DNA extraction procedure?

There are several differences. First, you use different materials to conduct each proceedure. With plants, you need baking soda, with human DNA you do not. Also, with human DNA you do not want to mix your mixtures. You want to keep your tube still. With plant DNA, you have to flick your test tube to make the DNA appear. These are just a few of the differences in the proceedures.