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Q: What is the range of optimal body fat for health and fitness in men?
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What is the definition of Optimal Physical Fitness?

Optimal Physical Fitness is the condition resulting from a lifestyle that leads to an optimal level of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and fleibility as well as the achievement and maintenance of ideal body weight.

Is body composition a health related fitness?

A: body composition is not a fitness B: what are u talking about

Why is health related fitness an input concern of the family?

Health related fitness is important to every family control health.. And to keep our body healthy...

Explain the effects of identified lifestyle factors on long term health and fitness?

The effects of identified lifestyle factors on long term health and fitness is a healthy body .

How does fitness affect health?

Physical fitness and health go together. If you consider that your body works best when it has optimum health and physical fitness is one part of that equation, then it is easy to see the link between the two.

Suggest some slogans on health physical fitness health walk?

exercise properly we will have Good body,Healthy body and Strong body

Why is health and fitness good for us?

health and fitness good for us for it maintains the body posture and will also developed a healthy life style.

What are functions of physical fitness?

to make a good health and healthy Body

The ability of your body systems to work together with the least effort is?

physical fitness

How do the meaning of the words ecercise and fitness differ?

exercise is the actual workout and fitness is the level of strength and health your body is in

List and define the two parts of physical fitness?

Everyday chores like housework, yard work, and recreational sports require strength and endurance. The ability to move body joints through their complete range of motion is referred to as flexibility.

What are the three elements of health?

The three elements of health are: body structure, body chemistry, and the mental. It is believed that all 3 are equally important to optimal health and well-being. mental, physical, and social