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Answer 1

it depends actually

for instance when you hear a western national 'convert'ing it means that he/she is doing it for kicks (thrill)

Africans do it either because they don't have a well formulated religion or perhaps they don't want to get attacked by the guys who are already converted.....or perhaps they can earn their lively hood by taking out common man targets (kafirs)

some others got converted in the past for many reasons which include escaping jijya taxes, avoiding attacks from their Muslim rulers etc.

genuine converts are usually hard to find...

Answer 2

I'm sorry I don't agree with this, myself. All that I have ever found in the US, of converts, are genuine.

Becoming a Muslim or muslima is not an easy choice for them. Especially in this type of world we live in (i.e. islamaphobia, our American culture, etc.,) Most people that I have met who have converted to Islam feel that they found the true path back to Allah (God) and they have found peace for all the questions that could not be answered in their former religion. Also true is the fact that when many of them have converted they have lost their friends and were cut off from their families, to become a new converted Muslim isn't easy.

As a muslima, I found answers to all the religious questions I had. In fact one of the beliefs is this: that the Torah and The Bible are ALLAH's word. Most people do not understand that. They think that Muslims and Islam teach something totally different, like not to believe in the Bible and the Torah. Or not to agree or be kind to Christians or Jews. Not true. Muslims are taught that all these are Allah's books, just that the Qur'an was the last book sent. I think if you have more questions, read about Islam, do not read about it in the Media, read about it true books, like the Qur'an or other recommendations from your local library and or Bookstore. Then decide for yourself. But research it.

I do not agree that someone converts to get out of paying taxes of because they fear a Muslim ruler. Islam is not a forced religion AND its not a violent one either.

Answer 3

The fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion does not mean that it has the most new converts, merely that the number of new converts MINUS the number of apostates is the largest. Christianity has a larger intake than Islam, but significantly more departures than Islam. This is why Islam is the "fastest-growing religion".

Part of the great design of Islam was to make joining the religion an act of choice, leading the chooser to have confidence and an interest in continuing his faith. Therefore, the entire Islamic experience has been put forward as just such an element. Islamic States have historically created a set of benefits that only Muslims could partake, making a choice to be Muslim tied to choices about economic viability (which trades you could work - especially in government) or tied to choices of social standing. These would strongly weight the choice and produce a steady stream of converts by their very nature. This also prevents widespread insurrection which did occur in Europe when forcible conversions took place. It's much harder to justify a rebellion against unequal treatment than to justify one against actual pogroms and outward persecution.

The reason Islam can afford to be acquire converts in this slower way than forcibly converting large swathes of territory, is that Apostasy (the conversion of out Islam to another faith or to atheism) is an offense punishable by death. Therefore, a choice made by one person binds the hands of all of his descendants. Most religions have to worry about people leaving the faith as well, but Islam cleverly avoids this problem. No Muslim-majority country has established legislation protecting Apostates. Several, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia use the government to enforce the Apostasy Crimes, but many more do not interfere when tribal or regional groups execute a supposed Apostate. Islam can afford to wait until the majority of people make the choice to convert, because once you join, you can't leave, which leads to consistent positive growth.

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As per Islam, it is the blessing of Allah SWT on all these people, that they are embracing Islam, some people think that it is because after the incident of nine eleven many westerners felt curiosity about Islam and once they come close and read about Islam they find out that it has a truth. There is also one group who thinks that among the many people embracing Islam women is the larger part, and they consider Islam as more respect full of their lives than the western civilisation.

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The major reason, which is the major reason why anyone has an attachment to a particular religion, is that they're born to it and taught (or indoctrinated) from infancy. Some people do convert (Muslims say "revert") to Islam but this is usually done out of resentment towards their birth religion or the result of Islamic conquest of their homeland.

Clearly many people would like to LEAVE Islam if they could, which is why Islamic states make it a death penalty for trying to do so.

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People want to become Muslim because it is a beautiful religion. The religion of Allah or 'God' in English. Take it upon yourself to learn more about it.

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