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From the course of world events, it appears Christians and Jews are being drawn closer while the new ISIS/ISIL terror group is causing the rift between Judeo-Christendom and Islam to widen perhaps to the point of a formal declaration of war. Beheading innocent Americans and other journalists, cutting an infant in half and burying 500 women and children alive along with forcing thousands of Christians (native to the land since the 1st Century AD, long before Islam came on the scene) to seek refuge on a mount, are characteristics of people deserving elimination. This type of evil hasn't been seen since the Stalin purges in Russia, Nazism in Germany and the Pol Pot regime of Cambodia.

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Christianity is derived from Judaism. Those two religions have nothing to do with Hinduism, except they are all religions. Hinduism is polytheistic, meaning it's a belief in many gods, while Judaism and Christianity are beliefs in one god, they are monotheistic religions.

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Q: What is the relationship between the western religions of Islam Christianity and Judaism?
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All three religions start with Abraham. He had two sons. The youngest son Isaac went and continued Judaism, from which Christianity formed. The oldest son was left out in the desert. He eventually founded the Islamic faith.

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No, they are 2 separate and distinct religions. Buddhism is centred upon the Buddha, & an offshoot religion of Hinduism, while Christianity is centred upon Christ & is an offshoot of Judaism.

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The question should be " What does Christianity have to do with Jews (or Judaism)?" Judaism is like a tree where Christianity is its branch and Islam is it leaves. Christianity is based on Judaism and Islam is based on Christianity. The major difference between the three is that Judaism doesn't have jesus in it unlike Christianity and Islam.

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