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I was always taught that low weight with high reps is for weight loss and toning, whereas high weight and low reps is for strength training and bulking up.

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Q: What is the relationship between the amount of weight and reps sets?
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When exercising for muscle growth what is the relationship between muscle load and repetition frequency for best muscle growth?

Less reps, more weight.

What gets toned muscles the weight you lift or the reps you do?

In this case it's the amount of weight, but in reality it's neither. It only matters HOW you lift it, as in posture, stance, etc... You could have any amount of weight on there, just do it correctly.

What is a good weight to work out with?

Generally a good workout weight is the weight at which you can do at least 8 reps but no more than 12 reps. If you are able to do more reps, try going heavier. If you are training for strength, use fewer than 8 reps but go heavier on the weight.

How many reps should you do with leg curls?

It depends on your desired results. For getting stronger and bigger, use a lot of weight and low repetition. I would recommend 2-3 sets of 8 reps with however much weight you can handle for that amount. For getting more toned and gaining endurance, use low weight and high reps. I would recommend 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

What is the recommendation for number of sets and reps to improve endurance?

When beginning an exercise program, one should start with 3 sets of 10 reps with a certain weight amount. The weight should be gradually increased so the muscles do not become accustomed to the amount of weight being used. After a period of time, the sets and repetitions can be increased to improve the results of the exercise.

How can you lift 5lbs more each week?

more weight less reps more weight less reps

How many reps should you do when weight lifting?

This depends entirely on your own capabilities. A short answer is that you should complete as many as you can with perfect form. When you break form (either due to lifting to heavy of a weight, or doing more reps than necessary) stop working the muscle as effectively and you increase your risk of injury.

Is it better to use more weight but less reps to build muscle?

It depends what you want to do. I use a cobination of it. I would so 4 sets of 8 and the last set that you do, you need to make sure that you can barely get it but you can get it. If your just trying to get cut but not big, then just do reps, but if your trying to get big and cut then you need to do alot of weight and about 8 reps to 10 reps and do 4 sets of them.

What are the best number of reps to gain muscle fast?

low reps, high weight

How can I determine the appropriate amount of weight to bench press?

You have to determine this based on your own level. To build muscle you should select a weight so that you can do 6-10 reps at once.

Is Muscle Building a Slow Process?

it depends on how much weight your working out with. if you are using a weight that is challenging and only you can do 3 to 5 reps you are using the right weight if you want strength.. you should use low reps because it stimulates your muscle fibers faster and more rapidly then higher reps. higher reps=more muscle endurance, and more definition. Lower reps= strength and muscle mass. you will gain strength quicker with weight that you can only do low reps.

What is the difference between a womens workout and a mans workout?

While both men and women workout, their styles different greatly. Men tend to use higher weight and less reps while women tend to use lower weight and higher reps.