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Q: What is the relationship between the state and national government in the United states?
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The united staes national government can be classified as?

The united states national government can be classified as Indirect Democracy.

What relationship is established in the US Constitution between the people and the US Government?

"We the people of the United States... do ordain and establish this Contitution for the United States of America." The people create the government.

What is the difference between local government in America and local government in Britain?

Local government in the United states is less directly answerable to the national government than is local government in Britain.

What does the Supremacy clause of the constitution state about the relationship between the national and state governments?

The Supremacy Clause grants supremacy to the United States Federal Government in any conflict between state and federal law. However, since the Federal Government has a limited mandate, the States still retain a large number of rights.

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The relationship between the United States government and policing organizations affect police practices by responding to police needs. Policing organizations lobby the Congress every day.

All of the following were Nationalists in favor of a stronger national government EXCEPT?

United States the national government

The federal system political systems?

The federal system political system is divided between the national government and regional government. The united states is a federal republic.

The first national government for the United States was?

the First national government of the united states was the Articles of Confederation Actually the first National Government of the United States was the Second Continental Congress which governed during the Revolutionary War. The Articles were the first written gov't of the US.

The national government enough power to do their will refers to the Theory of government?

The national government of the United States is located in this city in the District of Columbia.

Is a federal government is the national government of the US?

Correct. National government and federal government can be used interchangeably, representing the three branches of the United States government.

What is the national government in the United States?

Washington, D.C

A system of government in which a constitution divides the power of government between a national government and several regional government?

Federalism is a form of government in which a constitution is created that will distribute powers between a central government and subsidiary governments. This is the type of government that the founding fathers created for the United Stated.