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isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions are all composed of dissolved materials,and a cell can be placed in these solutions resulting in osmosis of some form.

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Q: What is the relationship of dissolved materials inside and outside the cell in a isotonic hypertonic and hypotonic solutions?
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I believe that Sprite is actually a hypotonic solution. At first, I believed that it was hypertonic until I conducted an experiment in my Biology class in which grapes were exposed to Sprite and White Grape Juice. The grapes in the White Grape Juice showed to be somewhat isotonic and each grape in Sprite had a visible increase in mass. This was weighed with the same scale and materials were the same. I did three trials and all trials displayed a hypotonic result from Sprite, thus my hypothesis which was that the grapes in Sprite would shrivel up and decrease in mass because Sprite is a hypertonic solution, was not supported by my data. Although the trials were few in number, the end result for each one appeared the same. Therefore, I can conclude that Sprite is in fact a hypotonic solution instead of a hypertonic solution as I had first thought.

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