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Plants swell when hypertonic in hypotonic solutions of impermeable materials

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Q: When plant cells are swollen with water they are what?
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Should you use hot or cold compresses for a swollen eyelid?

ONLY USE COLD WATER for a swollen eyelid. Hot water stimulates the cells and makes it more swollen.

Why does a plant cell need water?

Plant cells need to remain in a turgid, or swollen, state. Wilted plants have lost this turgidity. Because plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall, they can maintain a higher water potential than animal cells. This allows them to conserve water for later use. Plants have evolved to function in this turgid state, and when their water potential drops their metabolism is effected.

What happens to plant cells when placed in a hypotonic solution?

When a plant cell is placed in an hypotonic solution it becomes swollen and hard. The cell takes in water by osmosis and starts to swell, but the cell wall prevents it from bursting.

Do plant cells contain any water?

Yes, plant cells contain plenty of water.

What is turgidity and where does it take place?

Turgidity is the state of a plant cell being swollen, firm, and rigid due to the absorption of water into its vacuole. This process mainly takes place in the central vacuole of plant cells, providing structural support and maintaining plant rigidity.

How do plant cells change after you water the plant?

Because they do not

What is the most likely affect on the plant if the guard cells stay swollen on a hot day?

Increase intherate of transpiration

What are the sac filled with water in a plant cell called?

Swollen cell

When plant cells are exposed to salt water what happens to them?

When plant cells are exposed to salt water the process of dehydration occurs. The cells die as a result of the water that is pulled out during dehydration.

Why are some plants swollen?

Plant parts are swollen in many cases due to storage of food. In some aquatic plants, some plant parts like leaf petiole are swollen due to air chambers so that these plants can float in water.

Is a Vacuole Animal or Plant?

both plant and animal cells. plant cells have water vacuoles as well.

How does fresh water affect plant cells?

because Fresh water enters easly in the plant cells by endo osmosis. Thus, it causes better growth to the plant.