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The birthing process is called lambing.

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Q: What is the sheep birthing process called?
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What does it mean to lamb a sheep?

To assist the ewe in the birthing (lambing) process

What is parturition in horses called?

In horses, parturition(the birthing process) is often called "Droping the foal."

What is birth called in rabbits?

The birthing process in rabbits is called Kindling. When a rabbit has given birth she has 'Kindled'

Removing wool from sheep - what is this process called?

The process is called shearing, or clipping.

Which is the first stage of the birthing process?

The first stage of the birthing process is the onset of labor, which involves regular contractions of the uterus that help to dilate the cervix.

What is the process of removing wool from the body of sheep called?


What is it called to Give birth to premature lamb?

It means that the lamb is born early that it hasn't fully developed (but it may survive with care). Abortion.

What marks the birth process?

During your pregnancy, when your water breaks, that is the beginning of the birthing process.

What animal is called kidding?

Kidding is actually a word meaning 'joking', as in "I'm just kidding around". A young Goat is called a 'kid', and the process of birthing a goat is called 'kidding'.

How does a birthing ball help during the labor and birthing process?

A Birthing Ball can help with position changes and it can also help to comfort the woman by decreasing the pressure and pain while sitting on or lightly bouncing on it.

Which typically occurs first in the birthing process?

The baby is pushed out of the uterus

Which typically occurs first in birthing process?

The baby is pushed out of the uterus