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Q: What is the side effects of trans fat?
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What is the Tagalog word for trans fat?

The Tagalog word for trans fat is "trans taba."

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What does 'trans' mean in trans fat?

In the context of trans fat, "trans" refers to the chemical structure of the fat molecule. Trans fats are created through the process of hydrogenation, which changes the configuration of double bonds in unsaturated fats. Trans fats are known to be unhealthy and can increase the risk of heart disease.

Is saturated fat a trans fat?

No. Trans fats are unsaturated.

What is 0 gram trans fat mean?

That there is no trans fat in the item, or that there is less than 0.5 grams of trans fat.

What are the side effects of popular fat burners?

Many of the popular fat burners do have side effects. Most of the fat burners contain caffiene which can increase your heart rate considerably. It is wise to always check with a doctor before taking a fat burner.

Are there side effects to eating ice cream?

you can get fat or get diabetes

What are the serious side effects of C9T11 Rapid Fat-Loss?

no side affects at all!

What is a fact on trans fat?

trans fat is not good for your body it can be bad for you and it is hard to lose trans fat off of your body so try to stay away with stuff that has (Trans Fat in it) bad for you take my advice.

is there side effects when you get the fat from your stomach then put it in your indoor behind?

what is it called when you get stomach fat injected in your behind

Which fat is the worst?

trans fat

Does 0 grams of trans fat guarantees that there are no trans fats in the food?

No, it does not. The FDA allows food products to be labeled 0 grams trans fat if there is less than 0.5 grams of trans fat. A way to double-check that there is no trans fat is by checking the ingredients list. If is says "shortening", "partially hydrogenated oils", or "hydrogenated oils", then there is trans fat in the product.