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Q: What is the smallest myfibril myofilament muscle fiber or fascicles?
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What is the order from largest to smallest myofibril fascicle myofiber myofilament?

myofilament myofibril myofiber fascicle muscle

What is largest to smallest muscle fiber myofibril fascicle or filament?

The largest skeletal muscle connective tissues are fascicles, which are bundles of fibers, which are made of myofibrils, which consist of myofilaments.

What connective tissue divides a muscle into fascicles?

Perimysium is the connective tissue that divides the muscle into fascicles.

Which myofilament contains actin and myosin?


How are the muscle cells arranged with respect to one another?

Muscle fibers are grouped into fascicles, these fascicles form a muscle. The fascicles are arranged in 3 basic patterns. Parallel fascicles are arranged length wise in a parallel form. Circular fascicles are arranged in rings in a concentric pattern. Pennate fascicles are arranged in a feather pattern, with muscles arranged like a feather attached to a tendon along its length.

What levels of organization is gound-up muscle?

Levels of organization of muscle ( in decreasing order)1. Muscle: Group of muscle fascicles, which work together to cause one specific movement.2. Fascicle: Bundle of muscle fibers3. Muscle fiber: Muscle cell: cylindrical cell of skeletal muscle. It has many nuclei, therefore it is called multinucleate.4. Myfibril: Contractile fibers found within a muscle cell. It has 100 - 1000's of muscle cells in each muscle fiber.5. Sarcomere: Structural and Functional unit of the muscle. It is the smallest unit of a muscle that is able to contract.6. Actin and myosin filaments: Filamentous proteins which can interact together to cause contraction.

What are bundles of muscles fibers within a muscle called?

In forming whole muscles, individual muscle fibers are arranged in bundles, or fascicles, held together by fibrous connective tissue.Answer is Fascicles.

Does muscle power depend on direction of fascicles?


What is myofilament?

Myofilament are long tubular structures inside of muscle cells that are made up of shorter contractile sections called sarcomeres.

What are small fibers of a muscle fiber called?


Does muscle power depend direction of fascicles?


Which fascicles run with the long axis of the muscle?
