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Q: What is the superstition if you saw a black snake in the bathroom?
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What was thought when you saw a black cat on Halloween?

Nothing in particular, except for some people have too much superstition!

What is the most venomous snake in Saudi Arabia?

Saw scaled viper

Cat eats a snake?

It depends on size of snake,For small sizes of snake yes,I saw a frog that eats a snake and also I saw a Snake that could eat 6 meter crocodile.

What does a little 'un think he has seen in the forests?

He thought he saw a snake in the trees and coined it a "beastie".

What kind of snake can be found in Oregon that is bright orange and black?

Depends largely on where you saw said snake. Here in Texas it could be a water snake, a water moccasin, a rat snake, or several others, depending on the pattern of the coloration, head size/shape, ect...

What snake has a black head and gray body?

I have know clue but i wanna know cause my brother saw one in our barn he described it as gray body black head and a lil bit to 17 ft!!

Emily saw a snake in the zoo. She saw 15 feet of it 2 feet was behind the log how long is the snake?

17 feet.

What should you do if you saw a snake?

just be silent and wait for the snake to move and then go

What is the sentence of snake?

Watch out for that snake. I don't know what type of snake that is. I once saw a stick that I thought was a snake, so I picked up a snake that I thought was a stick.

Can you use specter in a sentence?

I saw a specter in the closet of my parent's room.He saw a spector in the bathroom.

What is the possessive noun of a snake's?

You have the correct form for the singular possessive noun snake: snake's.Example: We saw a snake's trail in the sand but we didn't see a snake.

Why was a red and black cobra snake trying to bite you in your dream?

Because either you ate a hot taco before sleeping, or you saw a rated R movie.