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Q: What is the tallest plant in the amazon rainforest?
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Where does the tallest brid live?

Amazon Rainforest; macaw is 3' tall

What are some Amazon rainforest fungi?

they are plant that are mushrooms

What is a clavillia plant?

It's a plant that is medical. It helps you. It lives in the Amazon Rainforest.

What is the biggest plant in the amazon?

The biggest plant in the Amazon rainforest is the Kapok Tree. The Kapok Tree can get as large as 200 feet tall.

Is the the amazon rainforest a temperate rainforest?

The Amazon Rainforest is a Tropical Rainforest

What layer of the Amazon Rain forest does the Annatto plant live in?

what layer of the amozon rainforest does the anatto plant live in

What type of rainforest is the amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.

What is the oldest and tallest tree in the Amazon rainforest?

The tallest living tree in the world is a redwood in California, U.S. It stands 370 feet tall.

Is the troical pitcher plant in the amazon rainforest?

yes it is, this is coming from a 6 year old

Hoe can you stop deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?

When you plant one tree plant another this will slow down the process of deforestation

What is the amazon rainforest tallest tree type?

Could be two, first the Giant Mahogany, Second the Samauma, both over 40 metres

Name of Rainforest South America?

there are names like daintree and the Amazon