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Water in contact with ice will cool to zero degrees Celsius (equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit).

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Q: What is the temperature of water in a glass filled with ice?
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Would a glass of ice water nearly full of ice be cooler then a glass of ice water half full of ice?

The temperature will be the same.

Why is water dripping from the airconditioner when it's a hot day?

The exact same reason a glass filled with ice water sitting on a table has CONDENSATION forming on the outside of the glass .. The ambient temperature is HIGHER then the glass and thus the dripping

When you compare the temperature of a glass of ice water nearly full of ice compared to a glass of ice water half full of ice what happens?

If both of them consist of water and ice at the same time then the temperature for both of them is zero Celsius (from the heating curve of water)

What does the outside of the glass with ice cubes feel like?

It feels like ice , and glass like . · The glass filled with cold water and ice cubes felt cold on the outside as well.

Why does a ice cube melt in a glass of water?

Because water is warmer than 32 degrees and ice is colder. Setting the glass at room temperature causes the ice to melt.

Would a glass that was filled to the brim with ice and water would it overflow?

No. The volume taken up by the ice gets smaller as it melts. This makes the total volume of ice and water in the glass smaller as time passes. So the glass will not overflow

What is the approximate temperature of a glass of water with ice in it?

Stacey hahahaha lol :)

What happens to a glass filled half way with water and then ice cubes are added?

First thing that will happen is the water will rise depending on the amount of ice cubes put in. As the water gets colder, the ice cubes will start to melt turning into water.

Which melts ice faster flowing water or a glass of water?

Assuming the water in the glass is initially at the same temperature as the flowing water, the flowing water will melt the ice faster. The reason for this outcome is that, as the ice absorbs heat from the water, the water becomes colder. The water in the glass thus becomes increasingly cold as the ice melts. However, because the flowing water continuously replaces the cooled water, the water in contact with the ice approximately remains at the same, warmer temperature. Thus, the flowing water melts ice faster.

In which direction does heat flow in a glass with ice and a liquid at room temperature?

Heat flows from the water to the ice.

How do you make ice in doodle god 2?


Will a glass of water filled to the brim with a cube of ice floating in it rise when ice melts?

No. The ice will melt such that it fills the volume of ice that the submerged part of the cube displaces.