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The word you're fishing for is "equinox", but I know for a fact that it is not the position
that the sun reaches. I've been unclear on whether it's the place in the Earth's orbit
where the axis is not inclined toward or away from the sun, or the point in time when
the Earth reaches that place. In order to answer your question with some confidence,
I went off elsewhere and immersed myself in literally minutes of concentrated research
on the topic. I have learned that the equinox is the point in time.

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Q: What is the term for the position the sun reaches when its directly above earths equator?
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Summer and winter

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Why is the earths temp hotter at the equator?

Because the sunlight it receives is almost directly overhead all year round. the Equator receives the most solar energy.

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Its is cooler because of earths tilt the sun's ultraviolet rays hit most directly on the equator so it is hotter by the equator so the farther from the equator the cooler.

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Celestial Equator

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What is an equionox?

Occurs when the sun is directly above Earths equator

How old is earths equator?

The equator is the same age as the current shape of the earth.

What country doesn't touch the Earths equator?

Many countries do not cross the equator.

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Why does the equator go sideways?

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