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Q: What is the treatment of Multiple small infarct at bilateral corona radiata and right thalamus?
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Related questions

What is meant by multi- infarct dementia?

I am not a doctor but multi-infarct dementia would be when multiple spots of the brian have died causing the patient to fall into a series of dementia and other illnesses.

What types of professional assist in treatment of multi-infarct dementia?

A person with multi-infarct dementia can benefit from a support network that includes a family physician, neurologist , pharmacist, nurses, and supportive family members and other care givers.

Why does house have a limp?

Dr. House has a limp because he had an infarct in his thigh and rather than have his leg amputated, he chose risky treatment to keep his leg.

What is a bone infarct?

Bone infarct refers to ischemic death of the cellular elements of the bone and marrow.

What can cause sudden cardiac death?

An infarct.

What happens when you have a infarct in your heart?

heart attack

What is meant by infarct?

that is when a pat dies, the term is most frequently used to describe an area of the heart or brain. An infarct is caused by lack of blood flow (perfusion) or trauma.

What is Distal tibia bone infarct due to trauma?

An infarct is an area of tissue death due to loss of blood supply. A distal tibia bone infarct due to trauma, then, means tissue death at the part of the larger lower leg bone closest to the ankle. The cause of the tissue death was trauma.

Is infarct the fatty deposit of an artery?

No it's called plaque.

What is lack of blood to a tissue fed by blocked arteries?


What is lateral infarct?

wedge shape part across the heart

What is the cause of multi-infarct dementia?

The root cause of multi-infarct dementia is usually small blood clots that lodge in blood vessels in the brain, which results in the death of brain cells.