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The term "till" is the name given to unsorted rocky debris formed by melting glaciers.

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It is an erratic boulder

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Q: What is the unsorted rocky debris left behind by a melting glacier?
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Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier called?

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier is called moraine. There are many different types of moraine depending on where the debris is found and deposited.

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier?

The accumulation of unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier is called a moraine. There are many large moraines throughout the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.

What Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glaciers is called?

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed during the melting of a glacier is known as a till. When there are many tills that are present the sediment that is deposited forms a till plain.

What is formed by till deposited at the edges of a glacier?

The retreating glacier leaves behind linear mounds of till (till being unsorted debris) and is known as moraine.

Ridge consisting of unsorted sediments deposited at the sides of a glacier?

Such ridges are referred to as lateral moraines. As a glacier moves, it shears debris, such as rock and soil, on both sides, and this unsorted sediment forms ridges along the edges of the glacier.

What are moraines made up of?

Moraine is the term used for the unsorted rock and material deposited by the melting and retreat of a glacier. So moraines are mainly rocky areas that used to be covered by a glacier.

What is A large boulder that is left behind by a glacier and deposited among rocks of a different type is called?

The rock is called a glacial erratic when it is left behind by a glacier, and is of a completely different material composition than the rocks on which it was deposited.

What is the difference between glacier erosion and glacier deposition?

Glacier erosion is when the ground below the glacier is removed. Glacial deposition is when the debris (eroded ground) is left behind when a glacier melts and the face retreats.

What is the difference between glacier erosion and glacial deposition?

Glacier erosion is when the ground below the glacier is removed. Glacial deposition is when the debris (eroded ground) is left behind when a glacier melts and the face retreats.

What does moraine mean?

an accumulation of boulders, stones, or other debris carried and deposited by a glacier.

What is a winding ridge left by melting glacier?

You may be referring to an "esker," a snake-like deposit of sediment left by a stream of running water underneath a glacier. At the edge of a glacier, a "moraine" also can form. A moraine is a pile of sediment and debris pushed by the glacier that forms alongside the glacier - a lateral moraine - or at the end of a glacier's run - a terminal moraine.

What is a glacial till?

glacial till is the stuff deposited from a glacier.