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Q: What is the use for unmanned machinery space USoperations on ships?
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Definition of unmanned machinery space?

Unmanned machinery space is space, defined for vessels with Machinery System Automation, in which no personnel found during a defined period of time.

What are advantages of ums ships?

Unattended machinery space (Unmanned operation E0). Conformity is tested during sea trial.

What is unmanned machinery space?

Engine room or space fitted with sensors and controls for monitoring and responding to machinery operating conditions. This makes it unnecessary for personnel to be present in the space at all times

Is a space probe a manned or unmanned spacecraft?

A space probe is an unmanned spacecraft. It is designed to explore space and collect data without the need for human crew on board.

Was there any unmanned space missions on Neptune?

Yes, Voyager II has. (Voyager II is an unmanned space probe).

Will space ships will be real in the future?

Space ships are already real and in use today for space exploration by various space agencies and private companies. Advancements in technology and space industry are expected to make space travel more accessible in the future, potentially leading to more innovation and expansion in this field.

Is space prodes manned or unmanned?

normally they are unmanned but sometimes they do have people sent up

Are space telescopes manned or unmanned satellites?

All space telescopes are unmanned - unless you want to count the small telescopes on the Shuttle or IIS as space telescopes.

What are the different space probes and their mission?

A space probe is an unmanned spacecraft sent into space.

Was sputnik 1 and 2 manned or unmanned?

They were unmanned, although Sputnik 2 carried a dog into space.

Why is a space probe unmanned?

because it travels to far.

When was the first unmanned space launch?

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