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Q: What is the value of an indentured servants contract?
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Related questions

Which people made a contract to work in exchange for transportation to the American colonies?

indentured servants

How are slaves different to indentured servants?

Slaves are owned by other people. Indentured servants signed a 7 year contract and were free people.

What is true about indentured servants in Jamestown?

They had few rights under their contract.

What social group in colonial America was free at the end of their contract?

indentured servants

Who would receive land money and clothing at the end of his or her contract?

Indentured servants

What was true about indentured servants in Colonial Jamestown?

They had few rights under their contract.

How long did it take the majority of workers in Virginia to serve out their contract?

If you are asking about indentured servants it was a 7 year contract.

What are synonyms of indentured servants?

a synonym for Indentured Servants

What is indentures servants?

Technically an indentured servant serves someone under a contract. The contract may have a limited period of time after which the contract is null.

How did indentured servitude benifit eployers?

Indentured servants signed a contract for 7 years so employers got their labor for that time for free.

What were indentured servants?

People who had a contract to work for a certain term of years in exchange for transportation and expenses

What did indentured servants do in new France?

Obligated to serve for a certain lenght of time under a contract