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ATP activates the amio acids in protein synthesis apart from being the provider of a continuous source of energy to drive the whole process

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Nope, its Ribosome

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Q: What is the workbench of protein synthesis?
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What does ribosomes function as?

The ribosome is the " workbench " on which protein synthesis takes place.

What is te function of ribosomes?

Protein synthesis. The ribosomes are the " workbench " on which proteins are synthesized.

What is the purpose or function of ribosomes?

Protein synthesis. Ribosomes are the " workbench " on which proteins are synthesized.

Protein synthesis occurs at?

Protein synthesis occurs at the ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell. It involves the process of translating the information in mRNA into a specific sequence of amino acids to form a protein. Proteins are essential for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs.

Is protein sythesis a function made by the cell membrane?

No, the site of protein synthesis is the ribosomes, free and bound. The ribosome is the " workbench " on which proteins are made. Proteins can be imbedded in the membrane and can span the membrane.

What important process is disrupted in bacterial cells when bacterial ribosomes are disabled by antibiotics?

Protein synthesis is disrupted in bacterial cells when bacterial ribosomes are disabled by antibiotics. This prevents the bacteria from making essential proteins necessary for their survival and growth, eventually leading to their death.

The synthesis of protein from amino acids takes place where?

Protein synthesis from amino acids takes place in the ribosomes of a cell. The process involves translating the genetic information stored in mRNA into a specific sequence of amino acids that make up a protein. This translation process occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell.

Ribosomes are the sites where what occurs?

Ribosomes are the sites where protein synthesis occurs in the cell. They translate the genetic information from mRNA into proteins by linking amino acids together in the correct sequence.

Why do the body need protein synthesis while the body is also synthesis protein?

Protein synthesis is the process through which the body creates new proteins necessary for various functions like repairing tissues, building muscle, and maintaining overall health. While the body is constantly synthesizing proteins, it also needs protein synthesis to replace old or damaged proteins, adapt to changing needs, and support growth and repair processes. Without protein synthesis, the body would not be able to maintain the necessary balance of proteins required for optimal function.

What is the product of protein synthesis?

A protein. That's what protein synthesis means.

What is the sight for protein synthesis?

Ribosomes are site of protein synthesis .

Is protein synthesis is a catabolic reaction?

No, protein synthesis is endergonic.