

What is the xeroderma of an eyelid?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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11y ago

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Xeroderma is dry skin, so xeroderm of the eyelid is dry skin on the eyelid. But you may be thinking of xanthelasma.

A xanthelasma is a flat, yellowish growth on the outside of the eyelid, usually close to the nose. These noncancerous blemishes are composed of fatty material, and are usually a warning sign of high cholesterol levels especially when they are seen in teenagers and adults.

Some Xanthelasmas will disappear on their own while others persist and will require removal by your physician or dematologist by freezing the growths with liquid nitrogen and then a sample is sent to the lab. If the Xanthelasma proves to be evidant of elevated cholesterol levels you will need to begin a strict regiment to get that cholesterol down! You physician may prescribe a lipid-lowering medication such as Zocur, Pravachol or Mevacor.

Xanthelasmas may be the sign of underlying cholesterol that can lead to Heart disease if not looked after the Xanthelasma poses no danger and it removed only for costmetic reasons, but, even after removal it may grow back.

NEVER ATTEMPT to remove the growth with over-the- counter meds. See your doctor immediately for a diagnosis and he/she will also check for high cholesterol levels in your body. After the doctor removes the Xanathelasmas (if you request it) following your doctor's directions of keeping the area clean with warm water and a mild soap while avoiding after-shave lotions, creams, lotions or applying make-up to that particular area.

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