

What is treif?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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16y ago

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Treif is a Yiddish word coming from the Hebrew word Trefah - טְרֵפָה Technically it means "torn" - and refers to an animal that was not ritually slaughtered, but instead was torn or ripped by an animal or knife.

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It's not 4 letters - treif

Does treif mean not kosher?

The word, usually spelled "treif" (but sometimes spelled trayf, traif, etc.), is a transliteration from a Yiddish word that is used colloquially to refer to any non-kosher food. It is derived from the Hebrew word "teref" in the Bible which was originally used to refer specifically to non-kosher meats.

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Provided the granola contains no animal products it is parve - that is, neutral, neither kosher nor treif (not kosher) and as such can be eaten by Jews. _______ The above answer is not clear. Any commercial food item must be certified kosher by a recognised organisation to be considered kosher. If the granola product is certified kosher, it is a kosher product. There are four categories of food according to kashrut: meat, dairy, pareve, and treif. Pareve refers to any food item that does not contain meat or dairy but may contain eggs and/or fish. Treif refers to any food that is not kosher.

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Most brands are. The only thing that would make it treif is if it was made with equipment that had previously been used for treife food.

Is talipia fish kosher?

Yes it is, as it has both fins and scales. For proof - and a very good list of which fish are kosher and which are treif - see this article:

How are foods grouped in Judaism?

1. Kosher and treif (non kosher) 2. Meat 3. Dairy 4. Pareve (neither dairy or meat - vegetables, fruit, minerals, fish, and eggs)

What does trefah mean?

The opposite of Kosher, as applied to food in Treif (in Yiddish), or trefah (in Hebrew) meaning 'not suitable for use', or 'forbidden'. Trefah literally means 'torn by a wild beast' (Exodus 22:30).

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In Judaism, cleanliness has nothing to do with it. These animals are unkosher. They are not "unclean." Unkosher animals are animals that are not fit to use as a food animal.

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20 whats of kosher "acholol"? 20 ounces? Darn right you will. 20 ml? Probably not. In any case it makes no difference whether the alcohol is kosher or treif.

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yes, yes it is. my friend's mum who is well Muslim uses bone china.

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