

What is variable reinforcement?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is variable reinforcement?
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What is a variable interval schedule?

Variable-interval schedule (VI) is a reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is provided for the first response that occurs after a variable amount of time from the last reinforcer or the start of the trial interval.

What are some schedules of reinforcement?

There are two kinds of reinforcement schedules. The first is continuous reinforcement where desired behavior is reinforced every time. The second schedule is partial reinforcement where a response is reinforced part of the time. Within partial reinforcement, there are four schedules which include fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, and fixed-interval and variable- interval.

What is the main advantages of using a variable ratio schedule reinforcement?

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Which reinforcement schedule produces the fastest extinction rate?

continuous reinforcement - giving a reward every time a desired action is presented

How do the four schedules of reinforcement work?

Fixed-ratio schedule - reinforcement depends on a specific number of correct responses before reinforcement can be obtained. Like rewarding every fourth response. Variable-ratio schedule - reinforcement does not required a fixed or set number of responses before reinforcement can be obtained. Like slot machines in the casinos. Fixed-interval schedule - reinforcement in which a specific amount of time must elapse before a response will elicit reinforcement. Like studying feverishly the day before the test. Variable-interval schedule - reinforcement in which changing amounts of time must elapse before a response will abtain reinforcement.

What is variable ratio schedule?

A variable ratio schedule is applied to operant learning. It is the rate in which a reinforcement (reward) for a particular behavior is obtained. A variable ratio schedule is when the reinforcement is sometimes won, sometimes not won.Example:1. Casinos. The reinforcement would be the money won. Sometimes the money is won, but sometimes it isn't.2. Abusive relationships. Sometimes the partner that is doing the abuse is nice, sometimes he/she isn't nice. The "kindness" is the reinforcement.The behavior is the same, but the rate in which the reinforcement is obtained varies.

What are the two schedules of reinforcement that produce the most effective rates of response?

Answer:Continuous and partial. Partial reinforcement schedule can be: fixed-interval, fixed-ratio, variable-interval, or variable-ratio. See the related link below for more details. Answer:Continuous reinforcement is most effective at the start so the subject learns to associate the behavior with the reward. Afterword this is learned a switch to partial reinforcement can be done - more specifically, a variable-ratio schedule produces the strongest response and slowest extinction.

What is partial reinforcement?

Partial reinforcement is when an individual is rewarded on some, but not all, trials. There are multiple variants of partial reinforcement (fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio) but the schedule that is most likely to have the slowest extinction rate is variable ratio, meaning that after a certain number of trials between two values, a reward will be given. A real life example of this is gambling.

Why is it easier to extinguish behaviors that have been reinforced on fixed rather than variable schedules of reinforcement?

It is easier to extinguish behaviors that have reinforced on a fixed schedule rather than a variable schedule of reinforcement because a fixed schedule requires a reward every time the behavior happens. A variable schedule only rewards every so often.

For Visual Reinforcement Audiometry what is the purpose of reinforcement?

reinforcement is video

What is the volume or percentage of reinforcement steel occupied in one cubic meter of concrete?

Completely variable from nothing to 2 or 3% depending on what is being fabricated.

What is reinforcement effect?

The reinforcement effect is the result reinforcement on behavior. It is used to study the success rate of positive, negative, and partial reinforcement.